GENDER INEQUALITY IN NIGERIAN SOCIETY: MATTERS ARISING AND UNICEF estimates that more than ten million Nigerian children are out of school, 60 percent of whom are girls. Gender Inequality In Nigeria Persistent Gender Inequality in Nigerian Education Author ... Good for Women Good for Growth: Closing Nigeria’s Gender Gap With regard to women's education, Nigeria's education policy has evolved since the 1980s towards a gender focus. Gender Inequality in Nigeria Essay - Nursingessays gender Educational inequality in Nigeria was a serious problem before the pandemic. Education and Systematic Group Inequalities in Nigeria. GENDER DISCRIMINATION AND FEMINISM IN NIGERIA 2.2Â Â Â Â Gender Inequality Rejection of gender equality bill sad implication for Nigeria. Results indicated a general decrease in PFE from states in the south to states in the north throughout the study years: 2005–2015. They should be made to realize that it is a violation of human rights for a particular gender to be perceived as superior to the other based on identical differences. Abstract. Political Participation and Gender Inequality in Nigerian ... The paper close with some conclusion and way forward meant to remedy the situation so as to give a sound and sustainable gender balance in Nigeria. Men earn more than women in essentially all societies. Universities and other institutions of higher education in Nigeria see themselves as liberal and open-minded. Feminism in Nigeria: Gender inequality and Gender gap. In Nigeria, there are large gender disparity between the education that which boys and girls receive. MEDIA IN PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN NIGERIA Training teachers and gender equality in Nigeria: Reflections on measurement and policy 1 Elaine Unterhalter, University College London, Institute of Education, Chidi Ezegwu, ... in the problems of measuring gender equality and inequality in education. Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals wholly or partly due to their gender or … Gender inequality in Nigeria has multiple causes, it is undoubtedly possible to trace inequalities to pre-colonial societies: in the forms of social divisions, cast systems and domestic slavery, but the modern phenomenon has its roots in the colonial era. Education at a Glance is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world.It provides key information on the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education; and the learning environment and organisation of … “To this end, FIDA Nigeria: celebrates the girl child, beautiful, strong, … This is also the goal set by my fellow blogger Blessing Bossman. Gender equality refers to the equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for both male and female (European Institution for Gender Equality, 2019). Where it is widely practiced, FGM is supported by both men and women, usually without question, and anyone that does not follow the norm may face condemnation, harassment and ostracism. The issue of gender bias too, contributes enormously to the low Promotion of Gender Equality in Nigeria. Again, ratios vary considerably across countries, ranging from 2 times more in Nigeria to 17 times more in Mali. The problem of gender inequality is an issue that bothers most countries especially in the. Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Foundations, Benue State University, PMB102 119, Makurdi KM1 Mkd-Gbk Road, Benue State Nigeria * E-mail of the corresponding author: Abstract This paper discusses the content and delivery of education and how it can reflect and reproduce gender inequalities. A gender gap in education limits the choice of occupation for women (completion rates of primary education for boys is about 80% while only 66% for girls) High levels of inequity in human development indicators between northern and southern states accentuate educational barriers to employment (42% of adults in the Gender inequality in education is not about political propaganda. It is not about the number of women in politics or governance, and not about separate schools for both genders. It is also not about the levels of educational achievement of boys and girls, nor the female/male ratio of the population. For a better understanding of this work, a historical approach will be employed. For example, in Sokoto State, 81% of the population is poor, while poverty incidence is much lower, at 34%, in Niger. Unpublished. education is, the translation of this goal into the target of eliminating gender disparities at all levels of education within a given time period is disappointingly narrow. The concepts to be reviewed in those works including concepts like gender inequality, women and development, women and education in Nigeria, women and political participation, marginalization of women in power and the theory of sexism including its major proponents and tenets. Education as the Pathway towards Gender Equality. Keywords : Nigeria, Gender Equality, CEDAW, Obnoxious Cultural Practices, Gender Discriminatory Laws International Treaties. The huge and consistent disparity in education between men and women translates into a lesser number of women in certain fields of work. Amartya Sen, often referred to as the father of the concept of ‘human development’, reminds us of … Abuja: Federal Ministry of Education. Regional inequality is high in Nigeria, and it translates into higher rates of poverty in the north-western states of the country. The attitude of most parents towards educating their female children is poor. Educating girls contributes ... efforts towards gender equality in education in Nigeria. WIDE World Inequality Database on Education . This principle applies to all sectors including family, workplace and politics. The 2020 WE Forum’s report on gender equality in education statistics shows a reduction in the gender gap, which is still unlikely to be filled in 99.5 years. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Gender in niGeria report 2012: improvinG the Lives of GirLs and Women in niGeria ExEcutivE summaRy iii eXeCutive summarY this report provides a comprehensive view of gender in nigeria. Gender inequality in education directly and significantly affects economic growth. This apathy arising from gender inequality has also affected education in Nigeria. The legal basis for gender inequality was also reiterated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contribution of gender inequality to human trafficking in Rwanda. The 2012 Gender in Nigeria Report recently shows that gender inequality not only exists in the country, but at highly worrying levels. 1.1 INTRODUCTION. KEYWORDS: Political Participation, Politics, Gender Inequality, Sexism, Women in Nigeria. There exist a wide range of inequality between men and women in attaining certain positions in Nigeria. Gender inequality … educational Inequalities on what can be done to improve the education sector in Nigeria. This issue of gender inequality in education is far more prominent in less developed countries, plus Nigeria where quite a number of readings have shown that under the backings of religion and tradition the men discriminate against women hence divesting them access to skills and education for useful activities. As of 2021, Sub-Saharan Africa had closed 67.2 percent of its gender gap. It existed from the dawn of civilization and Concepts Clarification 2.1 Gender Inequality (WE Forum) On a brighter note, the same consecutive report from the WE Forum provides us with slightly more positive gender inequality statistics for 2020 . In 2016, between 12.1% and 21.5% of Nigeria’s youth were without a job. Media Practitioners – 18.3% 2. Gender inequality which in this context implies unfair treatment given to female gender with respect to the male has many causes. This post is aimed to create awareness about gender inequality and damages caused by rigid gender roles. 2.2 Gender Inequality It makes a case for attention to women empowerment and likely economic outcomes. Economic and gender inequality are interconnected and reinforce each other. Gender equality in education Press release. Underdeveloped countries, including Nigeria, are by no means a monopoly of gender inequality. Article visualizations: Evidence now tells us that the levels of inequality are becoming an impediment for progress, … The government must work with the international community to get food and aid … Inequality is experienced in the key areas like decision making, participation in politics, participation in social activities as well as in education. An overview of women status in Nigeria shows that priority attention towards gender equity was not given. Population using safely managed drinking-water services (%) n.a. 5 1. Architects – 2.4% 3. For instance, the Nigerian census population figures (2007) indicate that there are more males than females in school. This issue of gender inequality in education is far more prominent in less developed countries, plus Nigeria where quite a number of readings have shown that under the backings of religion and tradition the men discriminate against women hence divesting them access to skills and education for useful activities. While section two examined factors responsible for educational inequalities in the Gender inequality could hinder development objectives. The paper is a foray of issues in gender inequality in Nigeria with a view to proffering solutions. Gender inequality in education is still a key issue so let’s take a closer look. Here are some of the latest insights into the growth, discrepancies and facts surrounding female inclusivity and parity in sport. The 2012 Gender in Nigeria Report recently shows that gender inequality not only exists in the country, but at highly worrying levels. These include distance to school, cultural norms and practices, school-related gender-based violence and early or forced marriage.Boys and girls face barriers to getting a good … Full Project – ASSESSMENT OF THE NATURE OF GENDER INEQUALITY AND PARTICIPATION IN POLITICS IN 2011 GENERAL ELECTION IN NIGERIA, A CASE STUDY OF KADUNA STATE Click here to Get this Complete Project Chapter 1-5 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Gender inequality has been an issue for several centuries, the world … Quantitative and qualitative approaches were adopted. Justice, Development and Peace Centre, JDPC has called for changes in certain norms and cultures that tend to promote inequality and gender-based violence in the society. Despite that, gender inequality in China was relatively modest before the beginning of the Chinese economic reform in 1978. Home. It Talk:Gender inequality in Nigeria. USA was ranked 33rd for health and survival, 8th for economic participation and opportunity, and tied for 1st (no inequality) in education. Despite the eagerness to … In every society in which it is practiced, female genital mutilation is a manifestation of deeply entrenched gender inequality. Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic human right, it’s crucial for sustainable future; it’s proven that empowering women and girls helps economic growth and development. Over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 are out of school, followed by one-third of youth between the ages of about 12 and 14. Get in touch with us now. Confronted with these realities, one way West African governments are working to address gender inequality is by adopting national gender strategies and implementing legislative reforms. Gender specific analysis shows that education, loss of spouse and place of residence (rural/urban) are important determinants of inequality among women. The problem of gender inequality is an issue that bothers most countries especially in the. All states except Anambra, Imo, Enugu and Abia had yearly PFE below 50% consistently, indicating gender inequality in favor of males in higher-education enrollment during the study period. theological education has affected negatively the question of patriarchy and gender inequality. To support countries in their efforts to fulfill and live up to their promise that by 2030 they will have closed the gender gap, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is disaggregating all sex-related indicators to the highest possible extent. Gender inequality in education statistics. Lecturers – 11.8% 5. National Policy on Gender in Basic Education. The aim of this research is to statistically ascertain gender inequality in Nigerian education especially as it affects school enrolment. GENDER INEQUALITY IN EDUCATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT By Foluke Fatimayin, Ph.D +234 803 377 3268 Lecturer 11, Department of English Language Education School of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, 14-16 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. There is a lack of gender balance in the economy, education, politics, health, access to justice and almost all areas of human development. Gender inequality which refers to unequal ... education and employment. Ratio of education and health expenditure to military expenditure: n.a. This can be seen in an educational system, political system, even in the homes, marriages, offices, society as a classroom puts women in a place that is below men. Particularly being a female and with under-6 children specifically affects income inequality. Gender inequality was a myth. Education and information surrounding gender equality and equal rights has been on the rise, more accessible, and discussed by the broader community. We can group these into three kinds of problems. “Countries have missed out on $1 trillion USD in GDP as a result of women’s exclusion in the digital world. Click here to Get this Complete Project Chapter 1-5. Achieving gender equality and women's rights in Nigeria and the world at large is crucial to establishing and sustaining developments as specifically addressed by three Millennium Development Goals (MD Gs). Nigeria can close the inequality gap. There is a lack of gender balance in the economy, education, politics, health, access to justice and almost all areas of human development. Education Gender and International Development, University of London Institute of Education. It assesses progress in key areas, including: employment and livelihoods, education and health, political representation, and violence. might be necessary to discuss elaborately the barriers to educational opportunity in Nigeria. Also, sectoral trends are obtained by analyzing … Many out-of-school children live in rural areas, and most are from low-income families. Gender,Health Gender and Health Despite prevention and control efforts, malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The study reviewed extant literature and deductively explored distinctively the issues in gender equality in Nigeria educational system. Data and research on social and welfare issues including families and children, gender equality, GINI coefficient, well-being, poverty reduction, human capital and inequality., Inequality is a multi-dimensional challenge, it goes beyond income and it affects the well-being of our people. Girls’ education is a human right. In previous years we have observed an endless discrimination against women and widened There is a need for people to be constantly reminded of the dangers of gender inequality. Gender inequality in digital access cost US$1 trillion last year, research finds. Gender inequality in education and restricted social autonomy among women is directly linked to lower access to sexual health services, including HIV testing and treatment. (2012). Most of these deaths occur in children in high-transmission areas Below show some of the key policy initiatives embarked on by the Nigerian government to show policy commitment on education equality. The paper close with some conclusion and way forward meant to remedy the situation so as to give a sound and sustainable gender balance in Nigeria. Mass Media has contributed greatly to the gender inequality reforms in our country through her numerous programmers’ on politics, social and economic life in Nigeria. In response, The Advocacy Project (AP) is supporting an important initiative by the Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF) to prevent gender-based violence in Lagos. In the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap report , Nigeria ranked 122 out of 144 countries in its efforts towards increasing participation and expanding opportunities for women. As a result the males have dominated Nigerian schools from the primary to tertiary level. The media and researchers have all drawn attention to the gender inequality in digital divide, education and employment opportunity. For the longest of times it has been a trend that men don’t treat women as equals in almost every demography of life. In the world’s least developed countries, it hovers around 43 percent; this calls for grave concern. Socially, gender inequality in education makes women inferior to their male counterparts and thus exposes them to all manners of marginalization, exploitation and domestic violence. This will certainly correct the gender in balance in politics, social and economic life in Nigeria and promote Gender Inequality in Nigeria . The study of the FLHE program was conducted in four states (Lagos, Cross River, Edo, and Enugu) where education officials partnered with nongovernmental organizations … Women in Nigeria are to this day fighting for very basic rights that are denied to them because of the gender roles set by the culture. 8 … Of all regions, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion. This study, therefore, identified the causes of gender inequality in academia and the implications on the academic … Education bestows on women a disposition for a lifelong acquisition of knowledge, values, attitudes, competence and skills. To ensure equal access to education, the National Policy on Education states that access to education is a right for all Nigerian children regardless of gender, religion and disability. Global Action against Gender Inequality (GAAGI) is a feminist Non-Profit Organisation established in Nigeria in the year 2015 to create safe spaces for women to organize autonomously, network with stakeholders at levels, acquire and share skills and expertise, identify issues of concern and speak for themselves. Gender inequality is built on the premise that women have been marginalized in all aspects of life and this has resulted in poverty which is a function of human trafficking. Barriers to Equality of Educational Opportunity in Nigeria Despite a number of measures, various governments, at all levels have made to offset educational imbalance in Nigeria, it has been observed that inequalities still exist. Study Objectives 1. This high vulnerability of rural girls has also been observed in Nigeria. Goal 5: Gender equality. Research and development expenditure (% of GDP) n.a. Inequality also cuts just as sharply across gender lines. This issue of gender inequality in education is far more prominent in less developed countries, plus Nigeria where quite a number of readings have shown that under the backings of religion and tradition the men discriminate against women hence divesting them access to skills and education for useful activities. Synopsis : Gender Inequality in Nigeria written by Morolake Omonubi-McDonnell, published by Spectrum Books Limited which was released on 26 December 2021. 3 LEARNING FROM NIGERIA’S FAMILY LIFE AND HIV EDUCATION PROGRAM CAN SEXUALITY EDUCATION ADVANCE GENDER EQUALITY AND STRENGTHEN EDUCATION OVERALL? Further details are available on the course page. FULL PROJECT-ASSESSMENT OF THE NATURE OF GENDER INEQUALITY AND PARTICIPATION IN POLITICS IN 2011 GENERAL ELECTION IN NIGERIA, A CASE STUDY OF KADUNA STATE . Socially, gender inequality in education makes women inferior to their male counterparts and thus exposes them to all manners of marginalization, exploitation and domestic violence. Since 2002, good progress has been achieved to boost girls' enrollment in school. People are not equal on economic and social terms. Masculinity and Low Male Secondary School Enrolment in Anambra State, Nigeria. This report examines the impact of gender inequality and discrimination on the survival, healthy growth and early years’ development of girls and boys and the rationale for investing in gender-transformative early childhood programming in order to break the cycle of gender discrimination, promote the rights of girls and boys, and advance gender equality. In Nigeria, in spite of the several women’s rights outlined in the 1999 constitution, many women do not enjoy the same freedom as men, particularly in the fields of education, economic empowerment and political participation. 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