wordy is a work in progress. 35 Formal / Business Letter Format Templates & Examples ᐅ ... 2. . Eliminate Common Wordy Expressions. Lets say one of your customer requested for . "I know what you mean" is succinct and understandable. (such items as implies we are mentioning some items, so etc is redundant). Wordy: For what it's worth, I thought the movie was terrific. Photo by Gary Chan UnsplashThe most important thing you can do as a writer is to deliver a clear message. Here are some examples of prepositions we can eliminate because they're included in the definition of the verb: beat out → beat start off → start match up → match head up → head finish up → finish enter into → enter exit out of → exit depart from → depart permeate through → permeate escape from → escape flee from → flee orbit around → orbit Because of exposure to the smoke, many of the firefighters might need to go to the hospital. They can be applied to both oral and written communication. Scroll down to download 35 formal / business letter templates. Following are some of the common redundancies in English. Doing the opposite is what we call wordiness. One example of a redundant sentence: "The flower was yellow in color." The person must get a conciseness in his writing. Our concern here is with eliminating needless repetition — redundant expressions that make writing longer, not better. There are many lists of complex words and suggested substitutes, like the one below. Avoid Overusing Expletives at the Beginning of Sentences. We also give many examples to help you feel comfortable with cutting down words and becoming less wordy. Business letter writing is a major thrust area of communication. Concise: Results diverged from the hypothesis. 15. Intermediate Algebra Problems With Answers - sample 1: equations, system of equations, percent problems, relations and functions. You can also try to dump what I call "wazzle" (waffling and fuzzy) words, like "absolutely," "actually," "aspects," "basically," "definitely," "entirely," "extremely,""literally," "overall," "perfectly," "quite," "really," "situation," "truly," "ultimately," "virtually," and "very." "Could," "should," and "would" are also sometimes wazzlers. Empty space on a page is called _____ space, which . A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point. Due to the fact that Example: 1 This includes avoiding overdose of language and usage of idioms. And also. The single word whether is sufficient. Like other kinds of wordiness, redundancy makes writing seem cluttered. Some wordy expressions are so common that we can make a list of them, and one such list appears on the "Words, Words, Words" Web page. This expression is usually redundant. (2) Avoid Wordy Expressions "Wordiness," or unnecessary words, is usually caused by the use of common expressions. A void is by its definition empty. CONCISENESS Examples: Wordy: The issue of most relevance is teamwork. And since wordy writing is harder to read, you will want to avoid redundancies in your written work. It's also likely to be more memorable and make a lasting impact on your reader. Concise: The most relevant issue is teamwork. there are, and it is are examples of opening _____. I. Edit Wordy Expressions. HOLY WORDY: In society, people are always seeking to become successful and do something meaningful in life. Eliminating these common expressions from your essays can make your writing more concise. 25 Wordy Expressions Some of my ESL students litter. "To be" is often part of a construction called an expletive, a filler expression like "there were," "it is," or "here are." The problem with expletives, besides their meaninglessness, is that they are wordy and their verbs are lackluster. Example #1: Wordy: It is the governor who signs or vetoes bills. The wordy example above has a second sentence tacked awkwardly after the first sentence, providing information that the first sentence could provide. The careful writer always reviews their prose, and one of the qualities they aspire to demonstrate is conciseness, or brevity of expression. Trite expressions Vocabulary Word List (157) A) A blushing bride, A fool and his money, Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Acid test, Add insult to injury, Age before beauty, All in all, All is not gold that glitters, All things being equal, All work and no play, Apple pie order, As luck would have it, At one fell swoop Answer (1 of 5): The best way for me to answer is by giving examples. wordy: [adjective] using or containing many and usually too many words. More often, however, the phrases weigh down our writing with unnecessary words. With the new communication model, the ultimate goal of nations to cut across linguistic, national, and cultural barriers and promote free global trade has, making the letter an essential business tool. Wordy: The reports are to be submitted by employees prior to 5:00, at whi ch time they will be received by Mr. Jones.. Redundant Expressions . Use one word or the other 3. Both are examples of wordy expressions. Revision of the following wordy sentences, accompanied by commentary about the revision, provides specific examples of the types of verbosities to eliminate. 2 : of or relating to words : verbal. wordy phrases and redundancies. Outside the legal field this expression is unnecessary. Whether you're sending a text message, writing an email, or updating your resume, wordy writing dilutes the impact of your message. Avoid lengthy expressions that make a sentence wordy. "in today's modern society" -> today, nowadays "in spite of the fact that" -> although "in order to" -> to "has the ability to" -> can; These expressions are acceptable to use (they are not ungrammatical), but you shouldn't overuse them. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more direct—for example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. In specific contexts, some of these phrases may serve a purpose. Wordiness, says Robert Hartwell Fiske, is "arguably the biggest obstacle to clear writing and speaking" (101 Wordy Phrases, 2005). . For example, "George C. Marshall, a General of the Army of the United States during World War II, went on to serve President Truman as the Secretary of State (1947-48) and the Secretary of Defense (1950-51)." Notes: A General of the Army is a five-star general. Expletives are phrases of the form it + be-verb or there + be-verb. There are currently too many prisoners of war (POWs). To avoid wordy expressions, use single words whenever possible. Considering this, what is a wordy sentence? A sentence is wordy if it can be tightened without loss of meaning.". pompous phrases add deadwood that hinders meaning. In parentheses next to each wordy expression is the more concise way to convey the same idea. . One word substitution is a process in which we use one word to replace a wordy phrase, to make the sentence . Contributions are welcome. Last month, Arizona for Responsible Lenders filed a lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court asking Secretary of State Jan Brewer to clarify what it called wordy language in multi-pronged proposition. In this passive construction, the meaning of the sentence is clear, but there are more words than necessary. I am of the belief that UFO's exist. 14. white. What does it mean when a sentence is too wordy? While working as a reporter, he learned to cut unnecessary words and get to the point of a story as fast as possible, claiming that all those extra adjectives/adverbs could be filled in by readers' imaginations and the context of the story.. Take this sentence: "The frightened woman quickly ran away from the . For those who've noticed an issue or have an thought on improving this plugin, please publish it to the github undertaking concern page. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more direct—for example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. For more on this topic, see Publication Manual § 3.08 on Economy of Expression. If you can remove a word while keeping the sentence's meaning, the sentence is wordy. Use simple words and phrases. Algebra Problems . And/or. When you're making word choices, pick the familiar or commonly used word over the unusual or obscure. Newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials. The wordy lord left his sword on & n obr bsp ; the wvrld. Unnecessary phrases. A(n) ____ verb helps another verb. Dirty sentences. Also, the use of big, fancy words doesn't impress most people as being more educated — just concei. a wordy speech verbose suggests a resulting dullness, obscurity, or lack of incisiveness or precision. Examples. "Long sentences are not necessarily wordy, nor are short sentences always concise. Example: The 1780 constitution of Massachusetts was written by John Adams. Writing Basic Sentences in English For Beginners June 09, 2021 Writing is an important skill to master when learning English, it is a skill that opens our lives to a world of academic learning, creativity, and the freedom to express ourselves. Step-by-step solution. Students use three words when one word is good enough. Use one word or the other. But brevity doesn't come naturally to everyone, and . What are some wordy words? Wordy Expressions; Wordy Expression Example Improved; etc: She took such items as water, food, clothing, etc. Wordy sentences generally have three causes: wordy verbs, wordy expressions, and wordy constructions. A noun being used in the first person and the pronoun being used in the first person in a sentence is an example of. Concise writing, instead, helps grab and hold your reader's attention. Introduction Most of the items on this list are 'set' or 'fixed' phrases suitable for people with elementary proficiency in the language. Usually, though, redundant expressions are just wordiness. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more direct—for example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. 8. Wordiness. A sentence is wordy if it can be tightened without loss of meaning. Basically, Question: 20 Words and Expressions That Good Writers Avoid You can improve your writing by avoiding the following wordy expressions and poor word choices. Example 1:At this point in time, There are currently far too many prisoners of war, also known as (POWs). What is wordy expression? pronoun-antecedent agreement. To make this sentence more concise, move the subject to the front and get rid of the "to be" verb (in this case, "was"). Some of these redundancies can be used for emphasis. In general, try to limit your use of qualifying sentences. This study will enhance your writing skills and help you compose concise messages. See more. the amount of: The amount of disagreement between the two groups is excessive. (17 words) #2 Logorrhea Another common place to find extra words is in small, choppy sentences that repeat the same information. For example, you can write "A total of 12 employees attended the morning meeting," and the sentence seems straightforward. Revision: Successful globalization depends more on culture than economics. Eliminating wordy expressions isn't done by referring to some master list; it's a skill for noticing when the logic and power of an expression can be maintained or enhanced by the use of a shorter one. For example, if you reference an 'empty void', you're using a redundant expression, or 'doublespeak'. Intermediate Algebra Problems With Answers - sample 2 :Find equation of line, domain and range from graph, midpoint and distance of line segments, slopes of perpendicular and parallel lines. Most wordy expressions have much shorter common synonyms far easier to read, write, say, and hear. Below are three of the top offenders when it comes to wordy writing. And/or. Stick to purpose. One way in which sentences are wordy is due to redundancy. 5 Wordy Sentences Examples and Corrections. Avoid Wordy Phrases: Wordy phrases also make writing long and boring.For example, many people write on a daily basis instead of daily.The longer sentence may sound more important, but daily says the same thing more concisely. 1. This is something Ernest Hemingway became famous for. That or which clause should not be used. 150 Wordy and Redundant Phrases to Eliminate From Your Writing (Part 2) I came across dozens more phrases to avoid when writing. But this sentence says the same thing in fewer words: "Twelve employees attended the morning meeting." Another example: 12. On the other hand, although they sometimes seem wordy, noun stacks compress an expression to such a degree that they become difficult; readers actually need more words to understand what is going on in a noun stack. Wordy sentences use too many useless words that clutter writing. Take a look at this example of a wordy sentence with a gerund: Every year, tens of thousands of students apply to the most selective colleges, with the gaining of admission to these schools being their goal. 1. Wordy: Baseball, one of our oldest and most popular outdoor summer sports in terms of total attendance at ball parks and viewing on television, has the kind of rhythm of play on the field that alternates between times when players passively wait with no action taking place between the pitches to the batter and then times when they explode into action as the batter hits a pitched ball to one of . Wordy: George's wife is a woman who is unhappy because of the fact that . I am writing you in regard to your letter of March 5, 1994. HOLY WORDY: In society, humans tend to believe and are influenced by what the majority do and think in their actions and behaviors. 33 - A list of expressions for everyday communication Aim: To help you to choose expressions that are related to scenarios that you plan to focus on in your language support activities with refugees. Examples of how to improve writing by refraining from long and wordy sentences. Other such expressions use more than one word when one word is simpler and more direct—for example, using the phrase in the vicinity of instead of near. In this passive construction, the meaning of the sentence is clear, but there are more words than necessary. Grammarly's unnecessary phrase check detects words and phrases that are taking up space in your sentence without adding any value. Both are examples of wordy expressions. Concise means the person who is writing the message must choose only those words to write a message which are important for the message conveyed. Step 1 of 3. Wordiness. 13. Basically, essentially, and totally. Concise: Four rules should be observed. Writing brief and concise sentences is a true skill. 1. They are so common, in fact, that we can make a list of them. Selecting Rapid Methods For wordy com. important one word substitution pdf download. A major problem with much writing is wordiness-using several words when one will do. Avoid unnecessary repetition. This expression is usually redundant. Like litter on the street, there is just too much messy stuff. Wordy: - at this time. Wordy sentences use too many useless words that clutter writing. Wordy documents take longer to read and are less effective. Examples and Observations "'No one can resist me,' he had to admit. And also. Good writing is simple and direct; it uses the simplest word possible that conveys the same meaning. Wordy: It is interesting to note that results diverged from the hypothesis. Example #2: Wordy: There are four rules that should be observed. "I am cognizant of the subject to which you refer" is wordy and awkward. (Examples: this shows that, this serves as a way to, this is an example of, the reason why is, because of the fact, due to the fact, in the event of, by means of, …) Example: Successful globalization depends on factors that involve culture more than economics. Here are examples of wordy phrases and how they can be simplified. Wordy examples. Use these 19 examples of redundancy from Writers Write, your one-stop writing resource, to avoid the needless repetition of words.. What Is Redundancy In English? Readers often skim wordy documents because the writing is dull; this speed reading causes them to miss important information. The essay is too wordy, you'd better condense it. 1. 2. Concise communication has following features: Avoid wordy expressions. "We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon. Examples and Observations "'No one can resist me,' he had to admit. If you have . A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point. The gerunds in the sentence are "gaining" and "being". Saying "null and void," for example, sounds stronger than "null" or "void" alone. I am of the belief that Change to I believe. Some wordy expressions are so common that writers use them without thinking. . Here are some examples of how. wordy: [adjective] using or containing many and usually too many words. one word substitution pdf for bank exams. Outside the legal field this expression is unnecessary. redundant. Instead, combine descriptions into single sentences, and omit needless words from there. The two groups disagree . They conducted an investigation. Other Words from wordy Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About wordy. Wordy expressions examples What are wordy expressions. Don't Overrely on Auxiliary Words Wordiness makes writing confusing and can be frustrating to the . one word substitute pdf. What does too wordy mean? What is a wordy expression? Instead of " at this time " you can just use only a concise word: - NOW , Always try to use " To the point Approach" in business scenario perspective. wordy, verbose, prolix, diffuse mean using more words than necessary to express thought. Both are examples of wordy expressions. The result? As much as possible, replace the verb "to be" with a stronger verb. Create or find three examples of wordy expressions and rewrite them into more concise statements. Exercise 2-1 Edit the following sentences for wordiness. A lawyer can often improve his or her writing considerably just by paring unnecessary words. But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components." wordy expressions meaning. wordy phrases examples. - Diana Hacker, The Bedford Handbook 2004. Examples: Instead of saying Try saying consideration be given to consider for the purpose of to due to the fact that because To help ensure the message is complete one should use the 5 W's checklist. I wonder why? Redundant expressions In writing, redundancy means conveying the same meaning twice. This is at the same level as a Fleet Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Conciseness means saying what needs to be said in as few words as possible. We found it interesting that… These are just three examples of how writers can avoid wordiness in their scholarly writing. The seven c's are seven key principles that underpin effective communication. A redundant expression says the same thing twice, and doublespeak avoids getting directly to the point. The 'C of Conciseness', one of six Cs which represents the six (6) qualities of effective communication, is concerned with the application of techniques that ensures conciseness in messages. _____ expressions such as at this point in time and due to the fact that are wordy . Cut Adjectives and Adverbs . To fix the wordiness error, we have to make the phrase "with the gaining of . Sentences are wordy for a variety of reasons, as well. In brief, editors will need to have a high-stage score to be accepted on Wordy. Vague expressions - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Expressions such as basic fundamentals and necessary prerequisite that repeat meaning and include . Their writing. The Seven Cs of effective communication are Completeness, Conciseness, Consideration, Concreteness, Clarity, Courtesy, Correctness. Bookmark this companion guide to my original post. phrases you can replace with one word. Very good => great, excellent, extraordinary Very bad => terrible, appalling Very sad => devastating Very interesting => fascinating, captivating Very tasty => delicious Very clever => brilliant Really Really good => great, superb, fantastic Really bad => terrible, appalling Much You may still reach your destination, but it will take much longer. Everyone, and it is the more concise way to convey the same twice... Photo by Gary Chan UnsplashThe most important thing you can remove a while. The simplest word possible that conveys the same thing twice, and one of the it. Of wordy expression is the more concise way to convey the same meaning twice //www.eslwriting.org/25-wordy-expressions/ '' > sentences! Such items as implies we are mentioning some items, so etc is redundant ) the U.S... On this topic, see Publication Manual § 3.08 on economy of expression brief, editors need! Will do from wordy synonyms & amp ; n obr bsp ; the wvrld system of equations percent! 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