"Fouling" describes the presence or accumulation of unwanted material in water including scale, general dirt, and debris, dissolved metals, or biological matter, and bacteria. Author and research scientist Dr. Robert Young joined Hotze in the Oct. 18 edition of the latter's program on Brighteon.TV.Young presents his findings about four widely-used COVID-19 vaccines and reveals a shocking finding. The main matter found was a substance more alike to nanoparticles of graphene or a very similar nanomaterial. The Company explains that the advantages of using graphene oxide lie in the enhancement of membrane performance, as it mitigates the effects of fouling - one of the biggest challenges operators . Applying an electric charge to graphene oxide foam, the researchers can capture uranium in solution, which precipitates out as a condensed solid crystal. Graphene oxide alters the immune system by disrupting the oxidative balance in the body's glutathione reserves. How To Detox Graphene Oxide | Holistic Health Online It works by trapping toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption 32. Methods summary We realized a Graphene Oxide-Based hydrogel, by mixing GO solution (1 mg/ml) with Luria Bertani agar pow- der (2%) in ultrapure water. Milestone contract for graphene technology in water ... Graphene oxide foam helps filter toxins from drinking water MIT-led research team uses graphene oxide foam in a device that can extract uranium and other heavy metals from tap water. It is used in many applications, from sensors to textiles to the potential application of medicine. Am. Yet, there are now claims circulating that the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is around 99% graphene oxide. Graphene Oxide, 5G and Covid Presentation and Notes on ... GO and agar solution gelation occurs in a temperature dependent manner, with- out involving any organic solvent. This study examined the reinforcing effects of alkylated graphene oxide (AGO) on a non-polar polypropylene (PP) matrix, and compared these effects with those of one-dimensional carbon nanotubes (CNTs). NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. ORGONE ENERGY, EMF PROTECTION AND GRAPHENE OXIDE. The site also specifically states how it can be used for many other applications including drug delivery.In fact, there are numerous studies that show the use of graphene oxide as an "innovative medication nanocarrier for the loading of a variety of therapeutics as well as anti-cancer medications, poor dissolvable medications, antibiotics, antibodies, peptides, DNA, RNA and genes." 16 Selenium in water is becoming of increasing risk to human exposure, because only recently 17 serious health effects have been associated to their presence in water resources. And it will kill you eventually - sometimes sooner than later. Graphene oxide nanoparticles (GONPs) have attracted a lot of attention due to their many applications. This constant penetration of the cell membrane wall could be what is causing these membrane deformities. Defects Solids 2018:173:73-84. Graphene oxide coagulates the blood. The sequential Monte Carlo/quantum mechanics simulation was used to generate the molecular structures of the GO sheet structure in aqueous solution. It is designed to help inform those working with graphene and graphene-based nanomaterials and could be especially useful as a Graphene Oxide, Dispersion Item #: 901444 From: Nanocoatings and Ultra-Thin Films, 2011. Published information has discussed the fact that GO readily absorbs 0.5 to 40 gigahertz EMF , which covers all the 4G, 5G, Wifi and microwave wavelengths. Author and research scientist Dr. Robert Young joined Hotze in the Oct. 18 edition of the latter's program on Brighteon.TV. In this work, solvent effects on graphene oxide (GO) in liquid water were analyzed in terms of hydrogen bonds and electronic properties. After GO creates the cylinder shape, in this case, though sometimes it forms a mesh formation depending upon synthesis, water molecules start to infiltrate the cylinder or mesh. NAC is tough to find after the FDA recently made it illegal to purchase over the counter in the USA. It consists of two layers of graphene and a superconductor, which traps the massless electrons of graphene between them, like a sandwich. Under the one billion euros EU project, gene delivery for an intranasal SARS-Cov-2 flu vaccine was tested using… wait for it… A wide variety of nanomaterials have been investigated, including nano-silicon oxide [23,24,25], nano-titanium oxide , carbon nanotubes [27,28,29], sulfonated graphene [30,31,32], and graphene oxide (GO) [33,34,35,36,37]. 34. Accordingly, this review paper aims to tackle the oil spill cleanup issue as well as water separation by . First, a little background: Some of you may have heard the term "graphene" being used… Second video: Tab coating dissolved in hot water. Selective adsorption expe … A study published in the journal Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery has collated the results from research investigating the effects of graphene oxide's antiviral activities. A simple and inexpensive method to prepare graphene oxide (GO) foils, rich in water and functional groups of oxygen, which can be converted into graphene-like foils containing . Graphene oxide is a semiconductor and it is magnetic. GO is a new type of nanomaterial with excellent mechanical properties and good dispersion properties. The effects of groundwater and surface water constituents (i.e., natural organic matter [NOM] and the presence of a complex assortment of ions) on graphene oxide nanoparticles (GONPs) were investigated to provide additional insight into the factors contributing to fate and the mechanisms involved in their transport in soil, groundwater, and . The effects of groundwater and surface water constituents (i.e., natural organic matter [NOM] and the presence of a complex assortment of ions) on graphene oxide nanoparticles (GONPs) were investigated to provide additional insight into the factors contributing to fate and the mechanisms involved in their transport in soil, groundwater, and surface water environments. The advantages of using graphene oxide lie in the enhancement of membrane performance, as it mitigates the effects of fouling - one of the biggest challenges operators of membrane-based water filtration systems face. Graphene oxide's permeation properties make it a promising material for purification of hydrogen, but humidity can cause deleterious swelling. Dr Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to discuss a scientific report that just came out from the University of Almería School of Engineering in Spain entitled, "Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension: Observational Study in Optical and Electron Microscopy", where it was found that each dose of the Pfizer shot "was found to contain 6 ng of RNA and 747 ng of graphene oxide, which is 99 . Just ask the parents of this 18-year-old girl. Graphene-based anti-viral surfaces and coatings. Dispersing Carbon Nanotubes with Graphene Oxide in Water and Synergistic Effects between Graphene Derivatives September 2010 Chemistry - A European Journal 16(35):10653-8 To give you some context, arsenic is considered toxic at 0.01 mg/L. With a coating of graphene oxide, successfully developed and piloted by the company in the northwest of England in . This is the link to her video: GRAPHENE MULTIPLIES FREQUENCIES AND DAMAGES CELLS WHEN EXPOSED… Same with Body Shop, Dusk, and most big "natural" chains. Unveiled in December 2019, a new fatal SAR-CoV-2 virus starts circulating among humans [].Transmission through sub-micron size respiratory droplets is the common pathway for COVID-19 spread [].Moreover, a person can also catch this virus by coming in contact with the contaminated objects or surfaces and then touching their mouth, nose, or eyes. This despite the fact that graphene oxide does not appear on either the FDA or CDC list. However, few studies have investigated the effects of these nanoparticles on the immune system. And subsequent cytokine storm. Graphene Oxide. Graphene oxide is used for water repellent materials (surgical masks), electrical circuits, and medical applications in drug delivery. Print This Article. Graphene oxide is a compound that contains carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. With a coating of graphene oxide, successfully developed and piloted by the company in the northwest of England in . A further worry is that graphene oxide is being introduced into our water supplies and wonder if anyone knows what the long-term effects on humans might be. blood clots. This material is cheap, readily available, and can disperse in water. Dr. Robert Young, a microscopy expert holding two PhD's says he has examined the contents of the four publicly-available CoV-19 "vaccines", and determined the vials to contain graphene oxide, deadly parasites and stainless steel, among other metals and contents. The vast demand for petroleum industry products led to the increased production of oily wastewaters and has led to many possible separation technologies. Lynn Schmaltz reads a document she prepared from the English subtitles on a Spanish language video with researchers discussing graphene oxide, 5G and cell damage. Potential environmental impact of graphene particles. There are rumors that once everybody is good and vaxxed-up that the 5G towers will broadcast frequencies that will activate the superconducting graphene oxide in our bodies, as the vaxx kill switch. It was observed a large increase of approximately 130$$\\%$$ % in the dipole moments of the GO sheets in water . Blackmores is Deep State owned by Big Pharma. Going further, graphene oxide also aids in the desalination of water. The found presence of cell-permeating, biomagnetic, jagged-edged Graphene Oxide and Graphene Hydroxide in all COVID vaccines should give readers grave pause and alert physicians and scientists to step forward en masse to demand an immediate halt to these vaccines in Chile and worldwide, given the terrible adverse effects, inclusive of sudden death, being reported post-vaccine, including most . Cutroneo M, Laser effects on graphene oxide irradiated in high vacuum, Radiat Eff. Guess what else it is used for? There are three . Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a medium.com article, "Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety . First video: Shows tabs are magnetic. Why Is Graphene Oxide Used In Shots? Third video: Graphene after removing the dye. Graphene, which is isolated from crystalline graphite, is a flat monolayer composed of single-atom-thick, two-dimensional sheets of a hexagonally arranged honeycomb lattice [].Because of its unique structural, specific surface area and mechanical characteristics, the functions and applications of graphene have gained considerable attention since the discovery of the material in 2004 [2, 3]. The "China Virus", NIH Virus, or "Fauci Virus" is Being Unraveled and Exposing Graphene Oxide 3. Black Goo is also known as Graphene Oxide or FerroFluid. Download as PDF. Dr. Kaufman showed a study entitled, Graphene oxide-incorporated hydrogels for biomedical applications, revealing that graphene oxide has been developed for biomedical gene and drug delivery under the EU's "Graphene Flagship" which I wrote about here. Zhuang Liu et al., (J. If swallowed Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Recently, we reported on a study released by Spanish researchers which revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines contain "enormous doses" of the nanoparticle graphene oxide. Graphene oxide, which is a material formed from graphite, is known to cause dose-dependent toxicity. It's also found in the environment which means food & water sources. Now, a team led by Li has devised a highly efficient method for removing uranium from drinking water. What Does Graphene Oxide Do? Consult a physician. What Activates It? Graphene nanoparticles can prove dangerous for water resources too. Then it says: When the THz radiation hits the outer layer of graphene, the particles trapped inside join the outgoing waves giving them more power and energy than (when) they arrived amplifying them. Allegedly, the advantages of using graphene oxide for water treatment lies in the enhancement of membrane performance, as it mitigates the effects of "fouling." Fouling is apparently one of the biggest challenges operators of membrane-based water filtration systems face. Graphene oxide is known to be highly toxic to human beings, it is alledged to simulate covid symptoms, and it has been suggested that it's effects can increased with electromagnetic fields and in particular 5G. And now we have an official declaration. Dr. Steven Hotze of "The Dr. Hotze Report" looks at the dangerous ingredients in every vial of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. Torrisi L, Cutroneo M, Torrisi A, Salvato G . The team found that in groundwater sources, where there's little organic material and the water has a higher degree of hardness, graphene oxide nanoparticles tended to become less stable and would. First video: Shows tabs are magnetic. It's the main ingredient in DARPA Hydrogels (graphene oxide chips that connect with smart devices, the cloud and AI). Synonyms: GO, Graphene Oxide Formula: CxHyOz Molecular Weight: N/A 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed After Inhalation Using proper respiratory protection, move the exposed person to fresh air at once. And the graphene oxide boosts the body's reaction to these signals, which slowly begins to sicken the individual and potentially kill them if left untreated in high EMF environments. UK's G2O Water Technologies has reported securing its first commercial contract for the enhancement of water filtration membranes with graphene oxide. Water New Jersey Right to Know Components Water California Prop. Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure) Vitamin D3* (10,000 IU's per day) Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*. Torrisi L, Cutroneo M, Torrisi A, Salvato G . A registration number is not available for this substance as the substance or its uses are exempted from registration or the annual tonnage does not require a registration. GNP, a thin, flexible material with excellent electrical addressability and robust mechanical properties is promising for label-free protein detection, DNA sequencing and high throughput wastewater based-micropollutant decontamination [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]. In the 1930's a discovery was made that can be applied today to help with EMF protection. Some kinds of water pollution, such as algal blooms and plastics that foul various bodies of water, are found in plain sight. Chem. As well as in ridding drinking water of certain toxic chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals. Flush eyes with water as a precaution. For professional use only. Name Graphene Oxide Product Code BW-GO REACH NO. The Hummers method is the most commonly used method to prepare graphene oxide (GO). disrupts the immune system. Here is a quick summary of the effects of Graphene Oxide on the body: thrombosis. However, there was chronic toxicity at . NAC is recommended to detoxify graphene oxide and SM-102. Since graphene oxide is activated by EMF, you want to create a protective barrier in your immediate environment that mitigates the EMF so that it does not activate the graphene oxide. Graphene oxide (GO), a substance that is poisonous to humans, has been found in the Covid 19 "vaccines," in the water supply, in the air we breath through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply. Allegations that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) are toxic because they contain graphene oxide on their lipid nanoparticles (which . Abstract. The Substance Ruling the World: Black Goo/Graphene Oxide. Blackmores is Deep State owned by Big Pharma. The medicinal use of activated charcoal treats drug overdoses and poisoning, so it is a valuable tool to tackle graphene oxide detoxification. The compound can cause liver and kidney damage . Graphene oxide is a "single-atomic layered material" made through the oxidation of graphite ( here).When chemically reduced ( here, here), graphene oxide can create graphene which has been . Research by the University of California Riverside laboratory has shown the differences in movement and stability of graphene nanoparticles when they are in groundwater and surface water. "Enormous doses" of graphene oxide have been reportedly discovered in the Covid-19 vaccines. In their in vivo studies, researchers report graphene oxide not causing "obvious toxicity" in mice exposed to low dose (0.1 mg) and middle dose (0.25 mg). Fouled water can cause a variety of problems if left untreated. The advantages of using graphene oxide lie in the enhancement of membrane performance, as it mitigates the effects of fouling - one of the biggest challenges operators of membrane-based water filtration systems face. Defects Solids 2018:173:73-84. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to "use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.". Exposing More Dangers of Graphene Oxide in Covid-19 Shots & Those Involved… July 20, 2021 Coronavirus, Featured. This poisonous substance has flown under the radar for 160 years. Respiratory toxicologist Ken Donaldson and his colleagues at the University of Edinburgh have shown how the minute graphene flakes (barely a few micrometers across) can enter the breathing system in humans. Identified Uses: Additive material for energy, coating, electronics, composites, etc. The aim of this study was to reuse these waste acids efficiently. 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed The most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2) and/or in section 11. After filtering raw well water using the activated graphene-oxide-coated sand, 32 parameters were tested; results showed a notable decrease in most of the major heavy metals, but levels of 8 elements - lithium (Li), silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), uranium (U), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), rubidium (Rb), and caesium (Cs) - increased. Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)*. Graphene oxide is a poison that causes blood clots. Second video: Tab coating dissolved in hot water. This cleanup concept utilizes graphene oxide laminar membranes (GOx) for the separation of low-concentration (10-3-10 µCi/g) tritiated water to create water that can be released to the environment and a much smaller waste stream with higher tritium concentrations. Extraction and quantification of mRNA in the sample, identified that 99% of the whole substance inside the vial was highly probably graphene oxide or something very similar, just very little genetic material was found. eLeMoTC, hnprvq, dFy, HrSYP, ksd, lQwKHs, KfLi, Mzm, oojE, blYAt, jEP,
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